Novasoft's software has been used for years by doctors, lawyers and educators. NovaVoice is one of the leading speech recognition systems

The development of the NovaVoice voice recognition software was carried out by the consulting company Novasoft, a member of the BiQ Group. It was created with the help of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, and its spin-off company SpeechTech, which was founded in 2008, has been helping professionals from the medical, legal and academic fields to transcribe the spoken word ever since. It saves them otherwise unused time - for example, when they are driving, they can directly record their thoughts and findings on a dictaphone and then use the software for automatic transcription. Currently, CC Novasoft has sold hundreds of licenses in the medical field and dozens to lawyers and others in the justice system.

NovaVoice is designed especially for professionals in the medical, legal and academic fields. The software has 14 medical dictionaries - medical terms, Latin terms, abbreviations and even slang. The transcription success rate is close to 99%, saving professionals a considerable amount of time. NovaVoice transcription also checks and flags words that could be misrecognized - in terms of acoustics, word pronunciation and sentence context. This ensures a high level of readability. CC Novasoft has won the Česká hlava 2009 and Křištálový disk 2008 awards for NovaVoice.

Phonetic transcription and paragraph citations are not a problem

The software first phonetically recognizes the spoken word and then looks it up in the dictionary. If the word is not found in the dictionary, the phonetically most similar word is printed and the user is alerted by changing the font colour. NovaVoice can also list or prefer abbreviations. The system can then highlight, for example, critical words for paired organs (these words are marked as critical from a safety management point of view, where confusion can have fatal consequences), such as left/right, upper/lower, lateral/dorsal...

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